EXPECT THE BEST FROM ME—— Hon. Sunday Daniel



        Chairman, Edati Local Government Area
The people of Edati Local Government Area of Niger State have  been assured of Quality Leadership that would fast track the development of the Local Government area.
This was the statement  of Edati Local Government Chairman , Hon. Sunday Yisa Daniel, during a chat with Journalists recently in Minna.
The Council chairman  said, his administration would focus more on provision of Solar power Boreholes to enhance portable water supply, Construction of Rural Access Roads and Bridges  and other developmental  projects. 

   HON. SUNDAY YISA DANIEL,  Edati Local   Government Council Chairman Supervising the Renovation of Local Government, Secretariat 

Hon. Sunday Yisa told  Journalists  that the construction of Rural Access Roads and Bridges are very important because it would complement the effort of his administration towards the development of Agricultural Sector in the area which Edati local Government is having a comparative advantage. 

According to the Council Chairman ”  Any Local Government that desires to provide Dividends of Democracy  for his people must look beyond its Monthly allocation which can bearly take care of his re- current expenditure “
It is on this ground that Edati Local Government under my Leadership will look inward  to boosting its internal Generated Revenue ( IGR)  in order to speedily enhance its development”  Hon. Sunday declared.
The Local Government Boss further told the Journalists that his administration has packaged alot of programmes that would enable  the Youths to be Self- reliance.

The renovation of Local  Government Secretariat being Supervise by the Council Chairman 

He said” Any society that wants to experience development must not neglect the Youths because, they are the productive segement of the society”. 

 ” I am a Youth and I understand their language

The Council Chairman therefore assured 
electorates to expect the best in terms of development from his administration


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